1st Annual West Grove Games
West Grove Fitness is excited to announce the launch of the 1st West Grove Games this September. The West Grove Games will be a Two-Day Doubles Competition designed for all levels and available for anyone looking to compete.
Date: September 21-22, 2024
Divisions & Levels
There will be 3 Divisions: Mens doubles, Women's Doubles, and Mixed Doubles
3 Levels: Rx, Scaled & Just for Fun
Level Qualifications: * weight requirements Minimums
Pullups, Toes to Bar, Olympic Lift (135lb men/ 95lb women), Deadlift (185lb men/ 135lb women), box jump, running
Toes to Bar, Olympic lift (115lb men, 75lb women), Deadlift (135lb men, 95lb women), step ups, running
Just For Fun:
Available to anyone and everyone! Modifications provided on need basis
Pricing per individual:
July 8th- September 14th
September 15th- September 20th